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Join Us!

Membership fees enable the Amigos to help the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, which is a large facility with a very small staff.

Memberships support the Refuge by funding internships, equipment purchases, field work, and educational signage. 

Members receive a 10% discount on purchases in the Visitor Center's Nature Store.





Red-Tailed Hawk


Bald Eagle


  • To join or renew by mail, complete this form (When it appears on your screen, you can print it by right-clicking and choosing Print.)  If you are renewing, there is no need to complete the form; just write the word "renewal" on the check and mail it to Amigos Membership, PO Box 1248, Socorro, NM 87801. Let us know if your address, phone number or email has changed. Your check should be made out to "Amigos de la Sevilleta."

  • To join or renew online, using a credit card or Paypal account, click the Pay Now button. (During payment, you may see a "Shipping Address" but we do not ship anything; you will receive an email receipt from PayPal. If you run into any problems, please send an email to

Memberships are for one year from the date you join. When you renew, your membership will be extended by 12 months from its current expiration date.


Online: Click the Pay Now button. When you are in PayPal, fill out the Ship To information with the recipient's name, email, and, if known, their address and phone number. Write "Gift" in the Notes section, and, if you wish, add your name.

Mail: Fill out this form with the recipient's contact information, write "Gift" at the top, and, if you wish, give us your name as well.


We will send a welcoming letter to the recipient. If you have provided your name, we will let the recipient know of your generosity. If you don't provide a name, or if you so instruct us, we will state that the gift is from "anonymous".

If you encounter any problems with gift memberships, or wish some assistance, please contact us at

Amigos de la Sevilleta is a private, non-profit 501c(3) organization created to support the mission of
the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Website and images © 2025 by Amigos de la Sevilleta.

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