Amigos de la Sevilleta
Donate to the Amigos
The Amigos welcome your donation. Your financial contribution helps the Amigos support the staff's management and improvement of the Refuge.
100% of what you donate to Amigos de la Sevilleta goes to support refuge programs.
To donate by mail, send a check to Amigos Donations, PO Box 1248, Socorro, NM 87801. Please put "Donation" in the memo area.
To donate online by credit card or PayPal, please click the Donate button. If you run into any problems, please send an email to
We will send you a letter to acknowledge your donation.

Programs Your Donations Support
College Interns
Each summer Sevilleta NWR hires one or two college students to work with refuge programs and staff, enhancing their college classes with hands-on experience. Amigos funds support these interns as they work in the refuge’s many habitats and involve elementary school students in learning opportunities.

School Bus Scholarships
Amigos helps fund the cost of bringing school children to the refuge to learn about plants and animals found there. Fish in the Classroom has students raise Rio Grande fish in school aquariums and then bring them to the river for release.

Amigos de la Sevilleta is a private, non-profit 501c(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible.